Our product, produced for you in high hygienic conditions, is designed in accordance with your aesthetic needs. Home-workplace etc. Our products, which you can use in your private spaces with peace of mind, can be wiped with the damp cloth (without the use of chemicals) from the conditions in the conditions of using durability and color fastness.
Velvet is a type of fabric known for its soft texture and rich appearance. It can be used to create stylish and contemporary spaces when combined with a modern design approach.It is a fabric collection specially designed for sophisticatedand modern designs. It attracts attention with its glossy surface and rich color options. It can be suitable for many different uses such as furniture coverings, curtains and decorative pillows. It is a modern velvet collection that offers an elegant and luxurious look. It attracts attention with its soft texture and matte surface.In fact, there are many different velvet-looking modern fabriccollections on the market. Your choice will depend on your design goals, the style of the space and your color preferences.It is important to consider quality, durability and aestheticfactors in fabric selection.